1. a. A traditional,typicallyancientstorydealingwithsupernaturalbeings,ancestors, or heroesthatserves as a fundamentaltypein theworldview of a people, as by explainingaspects of thenaturalworld or delineatingthepsychology,customs, or ideals ofsociety:themyth of ErosandPsyche; a creationmyth. b. Suchstoriesconsidered as a group:therealm of myth.
2. A popularbelief or storythathasbecomeassociatedwith a person,institution, or occurrence,especiallyoneconsidered to illustratea culturalideal:a starwhosefameturnedherinto a myth;thepioneermyth of suburbia.
3. A fiction or half-truth,especiallyonethatformspart of an ideology.
4. A fictitiousstory,person, or thing:"Germanartillerysuperiority on theWesternFrontwas a myth"(LeonWolff).
1. a. A body or collection of mythsbelonging to a peopleandaddressingtheirorigin,history,deities,ancestors,andheroes. b. A body of mythsassociatedwith an event,individual, or institution:"A newmythology,essential to the...Americanfuneralrite,hasgrownup"(JessicaMitford).
2. Thefield of scholarshipdealingwiththesystematiccollectionandstudy of myths.
Attending to your suggestion, Astrid (your command?), here it is my homework: Chinese mythology: Panku creates the earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdpNHeA15Jg. African myths: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULRYJml8N7A Both with subtitles, although they are automatocally made and are not too good ...
Attending to your suggestion, Astrid (your command?), here it is my homework:
ResponderEliminarChinese mythology: Panku creates the earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdpNHeA15Jg.
African myths: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULRYJml8N7A
Both with subtitles, although they are automatocally made and are not too good ...